Hey! My name is Cody Hosterman and I am currently the Director of VMware Solutions Engineering at Pure Storage. I have been at Pure since 2014 and prior to that spent a number of years at EMC on the Symmetrix VMware Partner Engineering team.
I build, document, test, explain, and generally write stuff down.
VMworld Distinguished Speaker.
VMware vExpert 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,2020
Hit me up on Twitter @codyhosterman
Github https://github.com/codyhosterman
Is there away to get email alerts for new posts in this blog?
Figured it out – Use the “Follow” button at the bottom right corner. Did not notice it earlier 🙂
Great! Thanks for reading! A new post is coming soon
Its PureStorage now ! Great ! Always good to read your articles Cody !
Yep–started with Pure in April! Thanks Arjun!
Is there any way you can post an updated link to your script on this post?
The current link is returning a 404 on github for me and I would really like to use this in our environment. Thank you!
Taken care of!
This is Leon from VMware support . I have questions with the post you have ,
Could you email me for a discussion?
Hello Cody,
I am using Pure snapping for refreshing Dev and UAT environments. I was told that it doesnt work for VMs with pure
storage can I achieve the same in VMs as well.
Deepak Almeida
Yeah you certainly can use them–though it depends on what storage type you are using in a VMware environment. It is a bit more work with VMFS due to the abstraction layer but if you are using VVols it is very easy. So the question is first, are you using VMFS or VVols? Then depending on that, what tool would you like to use to manage snapshots? PowerShell? Python? Etc.
Hi Cody,
Thanks for the amazing blog and tutorials you posted here, they are really helpfull. I work in PRACSO wich is a Pure Partner, and I’m having problems conecting my VM’s to the storage via FC, think you can help me out?
You’re very welcome! Thanks for being a partner! I would recommend opening a support ticket via support@purestorage.com–this would be the fastest way to resolution.
Hi Cody
I been looking just for standard CLI reference guides and Admin Guides on the Pure Platform but hard to come by unless you are a customer I am assuming. I am currently a HPE 3PAR Engineer and will be supporting some Pure Storage soon, and trying to get up to speed on the Administrating the array from CLI and the Storage Admin Interface. Any help I would appreciate it!
Hey! So I don’t think we have anything posted publicly, with that being said, once you get access it really doesn’t take long to learn. In supporting the arrays, will you be a customer or a partner? If you are a partner, reach out to your channel rep at Pure and they can get you access to our support site which has training and the guides etc. If you will be a customer, talk to your account team and they can do the same
What software did you build your site with, Cody?
Nothing fancy. Hosted wordpress.
Hi Cody,
Did you have any input to this content https://support.purestorage.com/Solutions/VMware_Platform_Guide/006VMware_Reference_Architectures/001VMware_Validated_Design ?
I’m just curious, nothing important.
Alex L
Yes I do. How can I help?
Hi Cody,
In my work we will buy an x20 array in the coming weeks to create a vcenter Cluster with 3 hosts connected by fiber channel. I have been looking at documentation and several of your web guides and best practices and some questions have arisen. I don’t know if this is the right place to answer questions, but I haven’t found any pure storage support forum or community. I leave you doubts here in case you could answer me:
1 My idea was to create a single vvol and submit it to the Cluster but I have read in your articles that you do not advise putting VCSA or AD in a vvol. Why is this?
2 If I can’t put VCSA and AD in the vvol, is it a good idea to put a lun for VCSA and AD and a vvol for the rest?
Hey! We do have a community :https://community.purestorage.com/ but probably our Slack channel will be faster help: https://codeinvite.purestorage.com/
Anyways, in rare double failure scenarios where the host running a vCenter loses mgmt network access and then also fails (power loss) the host can’t talk to the VASA provider to boot vCenter and it becomes tricky to find the host with vCenter without vCenter. Believe it or not it has happened. Rare but yeah. So VMware doesn’t advise it and neither do we. AD is even less serious if designed well. We have had some customer authenticate the FlashArray with AD and not had redundant AD and that AD was also on vVols on that array. Therefore it couldnt authenticate, so they had to manually resurrect it. Basically if you have AD configured in a redundant fashion or you have it on another array, or on VMFS, or use local FA credentials you are fine. But we say this just to prevent the possibility.
Hi cody thanks for your reply. Do you know where can i find vmware docs regarding this? I’m reading vcsa manuals and best practices but i cant found nothing about storage for vcsa
When it comes to most storage (vVols or otherwise) VMware generally defers this to the vendor, so when it comes to Pure + vVols I would let our documentation page be your guide: https://support.purestorage.com/Solutions/VMware_Platform_Guide/003Virtual_Volumes_-_VVols
Can you send me your email via Linkedin, please? I would like to connect with you around VMUG CZ – Prague. Thank you
Karel Novak
I have been trying to find the KB for supported pure replication documentation with vmware SRA on the pure website but couldn’t find one.
Could you please point to the right documentation?
You can find our SRM documentation here: https://support.purestorage.com/Solutions/VMware_Platform_Guide/Site_Recovery_Manager_-_SRM/
Thanks for you reply
Can you please point me to documentation of replication technology is supported with SRM?
It’s all under that link, everything we have
Hi Cody,
I am trying to get the details of volumes that are not present in Protection Group using the below SDK command, I am unable to get the Protection Group details.
Please help!!!
Get-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnections -Array $Array -HostGroupName RCH-Compute | Select @{n=’Name’;e={($_.name)}}, @{n=’Volume-Name’;e={($_.vol)}}, @{N=”SizeInGB”; E={(Get-PfaVolume -Array $Array $_.v
ol).Size/1GB}}, @{N=”Serial”; E={(Get-PfaVolume -Array $Array $_.vol).Serial}}, @{n=’LUN-ID’;e={($_.lun)}}, @{N=”ProtectionGroup”; E={(Get-PfaAllProtectedVolumes -Array $Array | where{$_.name -eq $_.vol}).protection_group}} | ft -auto
One of our MS folks responded to your question on this on our forum. One suggestion to get quick help in general on PowerShell stuff for Pure is our Slack team–there are a few powershell channels in it. You can register at code.purestorage.com
Hi Cody,
I want to move a cluster from FC to NVMe/of but I have a virtual SQL cluster that is using RDM disks. I read RDM is not supported yet using NVMe/of so how can I run both on the same cluster?