I have released a new version of the VMware/Pure PowerShell module which can be automatically installed from the PowerShell Gallery.
Pure Storage PowerShell VMware Module
Updates in this release are focused on VVols. Creating VVol snapshots, copying them, creating new disks from them, retrieving them etc.
I wrote a blog post below on using some of the new cmdlets:
PowerCLI and VVols Part V: Array Snapshots and VVols
The new cmdlets are:
new-faSnapshotOfVvolVmdk : This takes in a VVol virtual disk and creates a new FlashArray snapshot of it
copy-faVvolVmdkToExistingVvolVmdk: This takes a VVol virtual disk and refreshes a target VVol virtual disk with its contents
copy-faSnapshotToNewVvolVmdk: This takes a FlashArray snapshot and creates a new VVol virtual disk from it
copy-faSnapshotToExistingVvolVmdk This takes a FlashArray snapshot and refreshes an existing VVol virtual disk from its contents
copy-faVvolVmdkToNewVvolVmdk: This takes a VVol virtual disk and creates a new VVol virtual disk from it
get-faSnapshotsFromVvolHardDisk: This returns all of the FlashArray snapshots of a VVol virtual disk
get-vvolUuidFromHardDisk: This returns the VVol UUID of an input VVol virtual disk
update-faVvolVmVolumeGroup: This takes a VVol VM and goes to the array and creates a volume group if it doesnt exist and adds the volumes to it, or simply updates the name of the volume group if the VM has since creation been renamed.
The full list is available here:
If you installed it via the PowerShell Gallery, to update to this version, just run:
update-module Cody.PureStorage.FlashArray.VMware
If you are using PowerCLI and the FlashArray this module should definitely save you some time–please let me know if you have requests/feedback!
Latest version (November 28th, 2018)
Yup, thanks! Fixed.