Quick post here.
I received a question today on using the FlashArray REST API with Postman, so I figured I would write a quick walkthrough on how to do it.
First off, in Postman you might have to turn off SSL verification:
The next step is authenticate. This is done via a POST call to generate an API token.
The URI is:
POST https://pure01.example.com/api/1.12/auth/apitoken
The body of the request is your username and password in JSON form:
{ "password": "pureuser", "username": "pureuser" }
In Postman:
Make sure to select raw and then JSON as the formatting under body.
Click Send and you will receive the API token:
Now use that to create the session. This is done via another POST call:
POST https://pure01.example.com/api/1.12/auth/session
With the body being the returned API token:
{ "api_token": "e9d2cd5b-7389-dbcf-2f0a-463b63383819" }
Add it like so into Postman click send:
If all is good, you will get the username as a response to confirm the session:
Now you can make your REST calls as needed:
For the REST API guide, go to your FlashArray GUI and click Help. It is linked from there.